League Entry Form Please leave this field emptySeason Start: Once we have all the teams signed up Season Finish: Head office Address: 328 Tollcross Road, GLAGOW, G31 4XRContact us at: Our Facebook or email contact@lt-airsoft.com After you've filled in the form please pay the annual team fee or you won't be registered (split between your 10 minimum players is £5 each) We CONFIRM THAT: 1. We will listen to the site rules and engage appropriately with each individual site. When required we will sign a site waiver. Every player understands that they will need to fill out a league waiver before being submitted onto a squad list. 3. We will comply with all site rules and use all equipment as instructed so as not to injure or hurt others and I will obey all directions and instructions by marshals and staff. 4. We will wear suitable eye/face protection and will not remove it under any circumstances while in a game area, they may only be removed in the safe zone at my own risk. 5. We understand the rules and safety instructions relating to pyrotechnics. 6. We accept the recommendations for wearing long sleeves, long trousers and suitable sturdy footwear – NO trainers. If we decide to ignore these recommendations, we do so at our own risk. 7. We agree to obey the FPS, power limits and engagement distances and will allow each site to check my equipment on site. 8. We agree to leave the site quietly and forfeit my fee if the management deem me to be a danger to myself or others. 9. We agree to leave no less than 72 hours notice if we cannot attend a game. If we do not then we understand we can be ejected from the league.10. We agree if a team member has not been selected by the team to take part in that day the individual will not show up on site, unless prior agreement by the site owners. Failure of this can mean forfeiture of that day and the full day points awarded to the days opponents. 11. We agree to have one member of the team as our representative who is named below, they will be the main contact to the league body and sites if need be. To change this person at any time, please contact the league body via the contact form on this website. 12. A squad list must be submitted 48 hours before game day via the contact form. We agree to the above Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Scottish Airsoft League (team fee) click here to pay